Get paid already

Automated collections for your overdue invoices

We help small businesses and freelancers collect on past due invoices and save hours of time chasing down payments.

How it works

Move an invoice to collections in minutes

  • Quickly add your invoice and client details to start the process
  • Our system automatically emails, texts, and calls to collect on your behalf
  • Clients can easily pay their invoice using our zero-setup payment forms
  • We keep working until your invoice is paid

Why InvoiceRecover works

Sign up and start collections
Escalate recovery
Escalate to a trusted third-party

Having us act on your behalf lets customers know you're serious and gently increases the pressure to pay.

Put collections on auto-pilot 24/7/365

You have better things to do than chase down payments. We keep working day and night so you don't have to.

easy payment
Make it easy for customers to pay

Customers can quickly and easily pay their invoice using our zero-setup payment form.

get paid
Strike the right tone in every communication

You're in good hands. We're firm but friendly and protect your customer relationships and reputation.

A robust schedule

Multi-channel collections

We create a collections schedule to reach your customers through multiple channels including email, text message, and phone calls.

Recovery attempts over 12 months






See the full example schedule

Get your overdue invoices paid.

“I got an invoice paid that was six months past due. I thought it was lost, but InvoiceRecover collected!”
Ben De Rienzo
Freelance Designer